Victoria 2 Console Commands


Cheat Mode

The console commands are the more quick way of cheat. The console is activated by the § button, or alternatively calling the symbol via alt+21 on the numpad (or alt+0127 in some computers).

(Country events) Trigger events with the id specified, ignoring it requirements. You can specify the country affected, if there is no TAG or a misspelled one, it will use the current country.event [id] [TAG]
(Province events) Trigger events with the id specified, ignoring it requirements. You can specify the province affected, otherwise it default to the capital province.event [id] [province id]
A [unit] appears in the province specified at 0 organization and full strength. In case of a land unit, the soldiers will come from a random province.spawnunit [unit] [province id]
Adds leadership points to your country.leadership(leader) [num]
Adds more humansmorehumans(humans) [num]
Adds prestige points to your country.prestige [num]
Adds prestige to leaders attached to units at specified location.leaderprestige(lprestige) [province] [value]
Adds research at specified name.addresearch(addr) [techname]
Adds specified amount of all goods.goods [num]
Adds specified amount of moneymoney [amount]
Adds specified amount of research points.researchpoints(rpoints) [num]
Adds suppression points to your country.suppress [num]
Adds the desired amount of leadership to the player's nation's leadership reserves.leadership [amount]
Adds the desired amount of money to the player's nation's cash [amount]
Buildings finish in one day. Affects human and AI players.instantconstruction
Change the controller of specified locationchangecontroller [country tag] [province id]
Change the current controller of [province id] to the TAG specified. Unless there is a war between the original owner and the TAG the province will return to the original owner.changecontroller [TAG] [province id]
Change the current owner of [province id] to the TAG specified.changeowner [TAG] [province id]
Change the owner of specified locationchangeowner [country tag] [province id]
Change the player country to the one specified. The [TAG] part must be in caps, and more than 1 change 'sleeps' the AI of the affected country until reload.TAG [TAG]
Changes current datedate [date in format]
Changes militancy level. Try positive and negative values.militancy [level]
Controls max and minimum zoom.minzoom
Copy selected provinces ids to clipboardcopyprov
Creates revolt at specified location.revolt [province]
Discover specified invention. The names of all inventions are in the inventions folder.debug invent [invention]
Eliminates the 1 month wait between reforms. You still need to have +50% of the upper-house favorable to pass reforms. The effect of this cheat won't disappear until you reset the game, and it's unknown if affect the AI as well (It doesn't seem thought).debug alwaysreform
Enforces demands of top-level rebels available in movement window.break
Executes lua code typed instead of arguments.lua [luacode]
Gives a specified amount of prestige to the player. Available since VIC II version 1.2Prestige [amount]
Gives the player the amount specified of all the goods in the game plus the same amount of money. Default is 10000.goods [amount]
Grants the specified number of research-points.debug researchpoints [number]
Instant upper house reelection.upperhouse
Makes diplomats endless.debug alwaysdiplo
Makes every Great Power's influence on every country fixed at 100 (AI included). When deactivated, all influence levels return to normal. It doesn't show any message on console when activated or deactivated.debug influence
Opens or closes the specified windowwindow(wnd) [Arguments: open/close] [window gui name]
Print out all console commands or a specific command [command name]
Print out all console commands to game.log file.helplog
Prints out all technologiestechnologylist(techs)
Prints out amount of active pops.popstat
Reloads the entire interfacereloadinterface
Reloads the gui or lua filereload [file name]
Reloads the shaderreloadfx [Arguments: map or *.fx filename]
Reloads the specified texturereloadtexture [texture file name]
Removes limits for wargoal.debug alwaysaddwargoal
Reorganize all units at location (includes enemies, so use wisely)reorg [province id]
Research finishes in one day. Affects human and AI players.instantresearch
Rise all the valid rebels of the country that controls [province id] (use twice).revolt [ province id]
Set all enemy provinces under our control.conquerall [country tag]
Set all enemy provinces under our control.conquerall [TAG]
Set the player plurality to the number given.Plurality [number]
Set the suppression points to 100.suppress
Sets high militancy for pops at location and specified ideology.militancy [province] [ideology]
Sets plurality to specified valueplurality(plur) [value]
Short version of instantconstruction. Doesn't affect the
Short version of instantresearch. Doesn't affect the AI.inr
Shows info for money transfers.debug allmoney
Shows the id of the provinces.showprovinceid
Spawns unit at specified location.spawnunit [unittype] [province]
Starts an electionelection
Starts common elections right now.election
Switch control to another countrytag [country_TAG]
Switch to continent painting mode.cpaint
Switch to map painting mode.paint
Switch to region painting mode.rpaint
Switches units 3D models to wireframe mode.wireframe
Teleports currently selected unit to locationteleportselectionto(teleport) [province id]
The AI accepts any deal with the player or other AI players. debug yesmen - The AI accepts any deal with the player or other AI players. (This was changed to debug yesmen in the initial release of HoD.)yesmen
The shortened version of the above cheat.provid
Toggles full screen modefullscreen
Toggles instant constructioninstantconstruction(instantproduction,inc)
Toggles instant researchinstantresearch(inr)
Toggles ON/OFF updating pops.togglepopupdate(popupdate)
Toggles province blockade.provblockade(blockade) [province]
Toggles province ID visibility in tooltips.showprovinceid(provid)
Toggles random loggingrandomlog
Toggles the railroads visibility modeshowrails
Triggers specified invention.invention(invent) [name]
Turns onof fog of war. In HoD it is debug fowfow
Turns onof price changing log which is located in me documentsparadox interactivelogsgame.log.debug market
Updates the upper house.upperhouse

Victoria 2 Cheats

Discussing Infamy cheat? On Victoria 2 PC message board and forum (page 1). ATTN ALL USERS: Cheat Happens will be offline for 3 hours beginning on Feb 6 at 2AM CST. Link to Cheat Pack Victoria 2 by selecting a button and using the embed code provided more. Rank 521 of 38,958. Visits 29,114 (10 today) Last Update 1 year ago. Watchers 9 members. You may also like. View All Top Mods. Rome: Total War Enhanced Rome: Total War.

Victoria 2 console commands infamyVictoria

Victoria 2 Console Commands Win War

Victoria 2 Console Commands Country Tag



Cheat isnt working! :(

The Cheat codes are not working for Victoria II... I've tried the whole ALT +21 codes, any1 help with this plz??

Posted: nov 21, 2010 12:54 pm


same prob

Posted: nov 30, 2010 1:05 pm


same as me

Posted: feb 01, 2011 9:55 am



can anyone who doesnt have this problem help us?
otherwise get stuffed

Posted: feb 06, 2011 1:17 pm



Posted: feb 14, 2011 9:20 pm


use 'enter'

Posted: feb 21, 2011 3:45 am


Use the numpad

you need to hold down 'alt', press 'num2', press 'num1' then release 'alt'.
num means the numbers on your 'num'pad (the calculator lockalike part of your keyboard, in
most cases found at the right side of your keyboard)

Posted: feb 25, 2011 5:29 am


oh and i forgot

for the cheats 'instantconstruction' and 'instantresearch' you can simply type 'inc' and
'inr' into the console, and to close the console you have to repeat the alt-num2-num1

Posted: feb 25, 2011 5:32 am



i use a laptop...doesnt have have a numpad

Posted: apr 27, 2011 7:43 am



use this key '`'(left of 1 one the top of laptop)....then type alt+21......after that u
can use cheats.wrked for me

Posted: may 16, 2011 10:25 am


if u have a laptop without a numpad you can usually use the fn key and certain l...

if u have a laptop without a numpad you can usually use the fn key and certain letters as
a numpad

Posted: jul 06, 2011 2:09 pm


How can generate victoria 2 cheats

I am looking a source to generate militancy cheat. Can any body help me or get me resource
like victoria 2 cheats.

Posted: aug 09, 2017 11:08 am



★tiffany ティファニー★ダブルハート

Posted: nov 03, 2017 12:45 am