Pengertian Bangsa Menurut Para Ahli
Masyarakat Multikultural Pengertian & Menurut Para Ahli Serta ( Ciri - Sifat - Faktor. Dan suku bangsa, masyarakat kita merupakan masyarakat multikultural. Kewarganegaraan global atau kewarganegaraan dunia dalam makna luas. Kota, negara, atau bangsa dan haknya untuk bekerja, menetap, dan berpartisipasi.
Globalisasi |
Kewarganegaraan global atau kewarganegaraan dunia dalam makna luas mengacu pada seseorang yang mengutamakan identitas 'masyarakat global' di atas identitasnya sebagai warga negara. Menurut konsep ini, identitas seseorang sudah melintasi batas geografi atau politik dan manusia di planet Bumi saling bergantung dengan satu sama lain; umat manusia merupakan satu kesatuan. Istilah ini digunakan di bidang pendidikan dan filsafat politik dan dikenal di gerakan-gerakan sosial seperti gerakan warga dunia dan mundialisasi.
Definisi[suntingsunting sumber]
Istilah 'kewarganegaraan' merujuk pada identitas antara seseorang dan kota, negara, atau bangsa dan haknya untuk bekerja, menetap, dan berpartisipasi secara politik di wilayah tertentu. Bila ditambah kata 'global', istilah tersebut mendefinisikan seseorang yang mengutamakan identitas 'masyarakat global' di atas identitasnya sebagai warga negara. Identitas seseorang sudah melintasi batas geografi atau politik dan tanggung jawab beserta haknya merupakan bukti keanggotaannya dalam 'umat manusia'. Ini bukan berarti orang tersebut menolak atau mencabut kebangsaannya atau identitas lokalnya. Identitas global merupakan 'tempat kedua' dalam keanggotaannya di komunitas global.[1] Konsep ini juga memunculkan persoalan seputar masyarakat global pada zaman globalisasi.[2]

Secara umum, istilah ini memiliki makna yang kurang lebih sama seperti 'warga dunia' atau 'kosmopolitan', tetapi 'kewarganegaraan global' memiliki makna khusus dalam konteks yang berbeda.
Lihat pula[suntingsunting sumber]
- Garry Davis, pencetus 'World Passport' dan pendiri World Service Authority
- Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa dan Majelis Parlementer Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa
Referensi[suntingsunting sumber]
- ^Israel, Ronald C. (Spring Summer 2012). 'What Does it Mean to be a Global Citizen?' Kosmos.
- ^Shaw, Martin (2000). Global Society and International Relations: Sociological Concepts and Political Perspectives. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Daftar pustaka[suntingsunting sumber]

- 'For the Love of the World'. Time (magazine). 13 June 1949. Diakses tanggal 2007-05-11.
- 'Thoughts & Afterthoughts'. Time (magazine). 9 October 1950. Diakses tanggal 2007-05-11.
- Briggs, Caroline (23 July 2005). 'Sad farewell to 'world citizen''. BBC News. Diakses tanggal 2007-05-11.
- Thompson, Allan (14 December 2006). 'A double standard for politicians' dual citizenship'. Toronto Star. Diakses tanggal 2007-05-11.
- Singh Jaiswal, Anjali (19 August 2005). 'Straight answers'. The Times of India. Diakses tanggal 2007-05-11.
- E. Dougherty, Jon (2 February 1999). 'Groups promote global governance'. WorldNetDaily. Diakses tanggal 2007-05-11.
- Kaye, Margaret (7 June 1995). 'People: Douglas Mattern: toward a world without borders'. Palo Alto Online. Diakses tanggal 2007-05-11.
- Bahá'u'lláh (1988). 'Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas'. US Bahá'í Publishing Trust. Diakses tanggal 2008-03-05.
- Global Culture Essays on the influence of Global Citizens
- Great Transition Initiative Paper SeriesGlobal Politics and Institutions, paper #3, and Dawn of the Cosmopolitan: The Hope of a Global Citizens Movement, paper #15, explore the potential for the emergence of a cosmopolitan identity and corresponding institutions.
Bacaan lanjutan[suntingsunting sumber]
- Bauman, Zygmunt, Intimations of Postmodernity (1992: Routledge, London)
- Bellamy, Richard, 'Citizenship beyond the nation state: the case of Europe,' from Political Theory in Transition, edited by Noël O’Sullivan (2000: Routledge, London)
- Bennett, W. Lance, News: the Politics of Illusion (1996: Longman, New York)
- Bennett, W. Lance, 'Consumerism and Global Citizenship: Lifestyle Politics, Permanent Campaigns, and International Regimes of Democratic Accountability.' Unpublished paper presented at the International Seminar on Political Consumerism, Stockholm University, 30 May 2001.
- Best, Steven & Kellner, Douglas, The Postmodern Turn (1997: Guilford Press, New York)
- Cabrera, Luis, The Practice of Global Citizenship (2010: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge)
- Clarke, Paul Berry, Deep Citizenship ( 1996: Pluto Press, London)
- Eriksen, Erik & Weigård, Jarle, 'The End of Citizenship: New Roles Challenging the Political Order' in The Demands of CitizenshipI, edited by Catriona McKinnon & Iain Hampsher-Monk (2000: Continuum, London)
- Franck, Thomas M., The Empowered Self: Law and Society in the Age of Individualism (1999: Oxford University Press, Oxford)
- Henderson, Hazel, 'Transnational Corporations and Global Citizenship,' American Behavioral Scientist, 43(8), May 2000, 1231-1261.
- Iyer, Pico, The Global Soul (2000: Alfred A. Knopf, New York).
- Jacobson, David, Rights across Borders: Immigration and the Decline of Citizenship (1996: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore)
- Lie, Rico & Servaes, Jan, 'Globalization: consumption and identity – towards researching nodal points,' in The New Communications Landscape, edited by Georgette Wang, Jan Servaes and Anura Goonasekera (2000: Routledge, London)
- Kaspersen, Lars Bo, 'State and Citizenship Under Transformation in Western Europe' in Public Rights, Public Rules: Constituting Citizens in the World Polity and National Policy, edited by Connie L. McNeely (1998: Garland, New York)
- Kennedy, John F., Profiles in Courage (1956: Harper & Brothers, New York)
- Preston, P.W., Political/Cultural Identity: Citizens and Nations in a Global Era (1997: Sage, London)
- Scammell, Margarett, 'Internet and civic engagement: Age of the citizen-consumer' found at
- Schuler, Douglas, 'Creating the World Citizen Parliament', May-June, 2013. ACM Interactions, found at
- Steenbergen, Bart van, 'The Condition of Citizenship' in The Condition of Citizenship, edited by Bart van Steenbergen (1994: Sage Publications, London)
- Swanson, D.M. Parallaxes and paradoxes of global citizenship: Critical reflections and possibilities of praxis in/through an international online course. In Lynnette Schulz, Ali Abdi & George Richardson (Eds.), Global Citizenship Education and Post Secondary Institutions: Policies, Practices and Possibilities, (pp. 120–139). (2011: Peter Lang, New York)
- Swanson, D.M. Value in Shadows: A critical contribution to Values Education in our times. In T. Lovat and R. Toomey (Ed.), International Research Handbook on Values Education and Student Wellbeing. (July, 2010: Springer Press, New York)
- Swanson, D.M. The owl spreads its wings: global and international education within the local from critical perspectives. In Y. Hèbert & A. Abdi (Eds.), Intensification of International Education. (2011: Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands) [Series: Comparative and International Education: A Diversity of Voices. Series editors: Allan Pitman, Vandra Masemann, Miguel Pereya]
- Turner, Bryan D., 'Postmodern Culture/Modern Citizens' in The Condition of Citizenship, edited by Bart van Steenbergen (1994: Sage Publications, London)
- Weale, Albert, 'Citizenship Beyond Borders' in The Frontiers of Citizenship, edited by Ursula Vogel & Michael Moran (1991: St. Martin’s Press, New York)
Pranala luar[suntingsunting sumber]
- The Spirit of Global Belonging: Perspectives from Some Humanity-Oriented Icons by Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq
- 'World Citizen®'.
- 'Civis Mundi'. Matthew R. Foster. 2009-04-08. Diakses tanggal 2009-04-08.
Civisne Mundi Es? Civis Mundi Sum!
Pengertian Suku Bangsa Menurut Para Ahli