What Is Install Directory


Wordpress generally is installed in the root directory or at the same as your website url points it. For example: If you are in a shared host your root directory is probably 'www' or 'publichtml'. But, Wordpress can also be installed in a sub directory not pointed in your url.

Under linux, I launch a software by typing, e.g., fluidplot. How can I find the installation path for this software?


5 Answers

You can use:

to see where it is executing from (if it's in your $PATH). Or:

to look for a file named fluipoint and redirect errors on virtual filesystems.

Usually they are in /sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin or ~ as a hidden directory.

From Manual:

Full manual: https://linux.die.net/man/1/which

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If you use an RPM based distribution (CentOS, RHEL, SUSE, openSUSE) you can use rpm -ql


Things aren't installed to locations in the Linux/UNIX world like they are in the Windows (and even somewhat in the Mac) world. They are more distributed. Binaries are in /bin or /sbin, libraries are in /lib, icons/graphics/docs are in /share, configuration is in /etc and program data is in /var.

The /bin,/lib,/sbin contain the core applications needed for booting and the /usr contains all the other user and system applications.

What Is Install Directory

The whereis command locates the binary, source, and manual-page files for a command, and the type command tells what exactly the shell executes when you run a certain command.
Try whereis -l fluidplot in your case.

If it only returns 'fluidplot:', but no path, that means the software is not installed.

Note that this does not include files that may be hidden within the home folder under ~/.local/share/ (in my case).

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Just to add some point to @djsumdog's answer, if you are using DPKG based dist, like Ubuntu, you can use

to check what it is about, and

to check what files are included/relevant to this package. It's for packages that don't have a binary to run, like libnss3. And

to find what package includes this file.

For example, dpkg --listfiles libnss3 gives me:

Note that the folders are not only owned by this packages, but by others too. Just check the files.

And reversely, dpkg --search libnss3.so gives me:


Instead of using which (which probably isn't the right choice unless you're using csh) you can use command -v fluidplot to get the shell to boune like shell to tell you what it would do if you asked it to run the command (fluidplot in this example).


Some examples for me:

so you can also use it to test if a command would even be found and attempted to run. Since most of us use Bourne-like shells (e.g., bash or zsh) this is often preferable to which

Eric RenoufEric Renouf

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What Is Install Directory Mac

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