Cd Boot Error Virtualbox


In this article, I’m going to show you the complete guide to fix VirtualBox errors while installing Mac OS X. Most of the website that creating content regarding the installation of Mac OS X El Capitan or macOS Sierra on VirtualBox is not complete and have errors. The article might be correct and work on one device perfectly and without any problem. But there are lots of devices and different kinds of errors. Some months ago, we’ve created an article on how to install Mac OS X El Capitan on VirtualBox and the visitors has got different kinds of problems.

  1. Virtualbox Error Windows 10

One of our visitors “Holk” has read all the necessary comments and collected all the errors together and told the solutions. Here is his comment.

First THANXALOT to Mukhtar Jafari for all of his work! Great!
I needed more than 3 hours getting it to work. I was stuck in most of the errors mentioned above. Only with hints out of the comments i got it working. I`m merging it here so not anybody else will have this pain.

If what you are trying to do is boot your Windows 2012 CD/DVD you just need to attach it in the storage setting of your VirtualBox guest just as you had to do to create a guest in the first place. Or the same place if you used an.iso file to install it. All you have to do is mount a CD image or Hard drive of your Operating System virtual hard drive or create one in Virtual Box to fix the 'Could not read from Boot Medium! System Halted Error'.

Creating the VM is easy, I´m not mentioning it here (just get vram to 128 mb!), problems were caused by the code (whatelse?!).

1) command prompt as admin

2) Mukhtar Jafari says: May 23, 2016 at 4:06 PM -> vboxmanage error

Aha, Add one more hyphen then try once again. Because when you copy and paste the code from Website
there will appear only one hyphen so use double hyphen *–* before cpuidset

3) LoThAr says: May 21, 2016 at 3:47 AM -> VBoxManage error: Could not find a registered machine named ‘”OS’

None of the solution posted worked for me, so, there is a way that cannot fail. Follow this steps:

In the DOS prompt type:
VBoxManage.exe list vms

You’ll see all your Virtual Machines (in case you have more than one). At the right of the Mac image is the GUID of the machine. Copy that GUID an replace it for the name of the VM in the command.

Change taskbar. For example:

VBoxManage.exe list vms
“ZENTYAL2” {f5ee0212-7ca4-4710-b30e-b7e2ee881cb9}
“IE9 – Win7” {6730b42b-d555-4729-9948-711159678cac}
“Mac OS El Capitan” {9089dae0-6372-4c00-b415-b8963d54535f} “Missing Bluetooh Controller” error

You are getting the “Missing Bluetooh Controller” error because you are running the commands (Step# 5) while the Oracle VM software is open. Shut down the VM software completely and then run the commands. After the commands are ran, open up Oracle VM and start your VM session.

5) 3) Yhal Htet Aung says: May 19, 2016 at 12:53 PM -> “Missing Bluetooh Controller” error

Dude, I know what is the error. If you copy code from the website, try to change ” with your open inverted comma “. It is the error. After I changed the line with my open inverted comma for Search and Replace, then the problem solved. Make sure that you use your own open inverted comma in every single line. Try to check and replace it. Search and Replace doesn’t replace all the lines sometimes.

These tips solved also the “considerRebuildOfPrelinkedKernel triggered rebuild” error!

Conclusion: Wouldn´t it have been easier to add an ANSI-textfile with the right code to the downloads list?!

Nevertheless: Thanx to all of you!

Fix VirtualBox Errors While Installing Mac OS X

Now, I would like to shorten this whole passage into some steps. I hope, you should get something from this article.

Step #1. While creating new virtual machine you should do the following tasks;

  • Memory Size to 4 GB (Recommended)
  • Disable Floppy disk
  • Chipsit to ICH9 or PIIX3 for some devices
  • Processor minimum 2 recommended 4
  • Video memory to 128 MB

Step #2. Whenever you face this problem “VBoxManage.exe: error: Unknown option. -cpuidset
The VM hangs on boot” while adding the first code in the Command Prompt. It’s because of double hyphen. Use Double hyphe “- – “ before cpuidset.

Step #3. When you see this error “VBoxManage error: Could not find a registered machine named ‘Your VM Name‘”, it’s because of your virtual machine name. You did not replace the VM name in the code. So you have replace the VM name. and then instert the code. See the screen shot below.

Could not find a registered machine name

Or do it in this way. Type this command “VBoxManage.exe list vms”. You’ll see all your Virtual Machines (in case you have more than one). At the right of the Mac image is the GUID of the machine. Copy that GUID an replace it for the name of the VM in the command.
“Kali Linux” {6d21496a-248a-490e-9fb9-345e2fabda85}
” Windows10″ {1a73201f-ed39-4c73-bd7c-4dccc06efba8}
“Mac OS X El Capitan” {3fc75013-68e9-4561-a054-cd7853ffca2f}
“macOS Sierra” {d95c956f-ae86-47fb-a3f8-71cfa1973a38}


Step #4. How to fix this “Missing Bluetooth Controller…” error. When you see this error. because you are running the commands (Step# 5) while the Oracle VM software is open. Shut down the VM software completely and then run the commands. After the commands are ran, open up Oracle VM and start your VM session.

If this method did’n work. Try this method. One of our visitor “Yhal Htet Aung” has found this error. If you copy code from the website, try to change ” with your open inverted comma “. It is the error. After I changed the line with my open inverted comma for Search and Replace, then the problem solved. Make sure that you use your own open inverted comma in every single line. Try to check and replace it. Search and Replace doesn’t replace all the lines sometimes

These tips solved also the “considerRebuildOfPrelinkedKernel triggered rebuild” error!

Fix VirtualBox Errors While Installing Mac OS X



Virtualbox Error Windows 10

This tips were for you dear visitors and I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any question regarding this problem or know the better solution. Please feel free to share with us. Thanks for being with us.